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Home>BONDAGE>Novelties 'n Parties>Luminous Sexy Dice
Luminous Sexy Dice

Luminous Sexy Dice

$ 0.50 $ 0.99

  • Detail
    • Wholesale Luminous Sexy Dice

    Product Description:

    This oral sex dice is for couples who don't want to leave anything to chance. This is a must have for romantic couples who are eager to take things to the next level, and have all the fun and excitement. This amazing set contains two pieces of dice.

    Orally-centered actions are depicted on one dice, whereas the other one depicts the body part. Roll them both, and see what you have got. Finally, follow the instructions and perform the action to have a wonderful night that you won't forget. The dice game takes away the guesswork when couples are slightly confused on what they intend to do next during foreplay.

    Material: Silicone
    Size: No
    Power: No
    Color: Luminous
    Package Included: 1  x pair of Luminous Dices

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Lots of fun to get you in the mood and get the foreplay started.

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